Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Do I Want My Husband Back - Question Can You Get Him

"I want my husband back?" You may ask. Many people have the answers to questions such as blankets do not. But they're not always right, and they may not know your specific information. They may have been hurt before and I thought it was best just to move on after a breakup. If you ask them, "I want my husband back?" They will tell you what more and more that there are many fish in the sea. You now realize the importance of an Awesome Relationship at all time.

But you can not let people who setbacks and failures in love affect your decision. They are bound to have a negative attitude. And it is important to have a positive attitude now. If you answered "I want my husband back?" With a strong yes, then you really will have to maintain a good attitude.

When you break up, it's hard to get back together. If you are still together and you realize that things are going bad, it is much easier then intervene and save the relationship than if you wanted a break has occurred. That's not to say that it is losing hope after the break, though.

But your attitude has a lot to do with what happened. Somehow he was resistant to the idea to go back together, you must be calm and polite. You must decide that you are getting back together and make sure that you are always going to act as if it was given.

The hard part comes when you get back together in the near future and you must still believe even though it looks less and less likely to get your wife back. But you must if you want to give the relationship one last chance.

Not married with each save. Thinking, "I want my husband back?" And decide that you are not enough to secure the wedding. That's just the beginning. And the more difficult and harder as you go.

You must face the fact that there is a chance your husband will never return. It's hard to face the facts, but necessary. You must decide that you do not fully inform yourelf damaged if the marriage is not out of words k.

There are other people out there, if the relationship did not work. It's hard to think like that at first when trying to stay so positive and focused on improving relations. But you must make yourself understand this.

If your husband does not return, you not only for the rest of your life. You can love others, and let them love you. Recognizing this fact can be very liberating, because you come to know that whatever happens, you will not be alone. your needs are met, it will only be filled by others.

"I want my husband back?" If you're still answering "yes" and you're ready to become positive, you might just end up surprised at how well it works. You need to focus on an Awesome Relationship at all time.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Should I Get Back With Ex Boyfriend?

If you try to get back with ex-boyfriend when you think you can not be away from him? If you think that you can not live without him and your life is incomplete you may have a challenge on your hands. It is a challenge that is not possible, though. This is something you can do but will take a lot of introspection and thinking about the situation. If you think you might want to return to ex-boyfriend, you need to make sure it's worth it.

If you try to find what makes you have to return to a former boyfriend in the first place you need to ask yourself some questions. What is the reason for the break in the first place? If the error is you then look closely at what you do. Is it because of your selfishness? This is something that can be difficult. Look at the actions you take. They are the result of a wild animal? If so, then what changed? What makes you so sure that you have done that being selfish? Is it the desire to get back with ex-boyfriend because of selfish thought?

Before you try to get back with ex-boyfriend, you need to ensure that it is mutually beneficial awesome relationships or have very little chance to succeed. If only one thing to try and fill the void in your life and heart then it's probably not the best for them. You may have to live with the consequences of your selfish actions. Do not expect to be taken back with open arms. You just have to know that if it is not good for both of you, probably not a good or positive results.

If the reason you are breaking more to do with selfish act, then why do you think he has changed or will change? Look closely at his actions. If there is genuine repentance and willingness to change, you might have a chance. You need to ask "if he just might be doing it again?" If he has a pattern of acting out of selfishness in a way that is harmful to you and your awesome relationship, then you probably will not. If you have significant reasons to believe that he did not happen then maybe you should return to a former boyfriend. You should find out that he saw made just for personal interests, and more interested in something good for both of you.

In either situation, whether it is due to selfishness or him, or even both, you must fully believe that you both can act in the best interest of each. You can not expect this awesome relationship to go away if one of you is selfish. If you really believe that the same be done being selfish and really get focused on the awesome relationship may be a good thing to get back with ex. 

Sunday, March 6, 2011

How to Get Your Guy Back – a Gal’s Guide to Making Up

Every relationship has its up and downs some surpass the challenge, others don’t.  The key words to remember is that, relationships work both ways.  It may be a factor as to who caused the problem, but your reactions to the problem still lies on both of you.

In cases where you are the culprit, have the courage to accept the fact that getting your man’s trust may not be that easy.  And if whatever you did caused a deep cut in your man’s heart, try your best to win him not with your terms but his.

Below are some tips to help you get your ex back:

Acknowledge and make amends

If you cheated, you knew it was a grave mistake, but you did it anyway.  Now, when confronted with the facts, be humble enough to accept responsibility and ask for forgiveness.  The act of cheating shows that you do not respect your guy or you have wanted something that was not given to you, in return, you find someone else to deliver whatever that is you seek.  By doing this, you have shown that your trust with your man is no longer present because you humiliated him by your act.  A woman should seek for forgiveness in the most sincere way she could possibly do.  A man also loses his self respect if he was betrayed by the same person whom he truly loved.

Be prepared to feel the worst

A man betrayed cannot easily find it in his heart to have you back easily even if he truly cared for you.  It is your turn to do the chasing to get him back.  He must first feel that you are really sorry for what you did and that you are taking the chance of reconciliation because you really loved him.  Be patient; endure your part of the pain because your guy is also grieving like you.

Befriend your ex

Rebuilding a lost relationship means that you have to start from the bottom all over again.  Give your ex the time and space to evaluate his feelings for you.  When you parted ways, your connection with each other became strangers, and strangers cannot easily give their trust.  Allow him to assess what has happened and let him decide the fate of the relationship.  If given the chance to be with him, do not come too comfortable.  Being together after a break up doesn’t happen very often, so be careful of the things that you are to say and do whenever given the chance.  You do not have to act desperate though, just be yourself and mean it.  Pretending will never work for you because your guy will be very cautious of your actions.  Doubt will always be a part of how he will assess you.

Learn to give up and move on

A girl will know and feel when her battle is lost.  When you have come to point when you know that nothing positive will happen despite your efforts to get your ex back, it is time to give up and move on with your life.  Maybe after a while, your ex has come to realize that you were not meant to be together, and that he finally decides to close the door of being romantically involved with you.  Let it go.  Look ahead and carry the lessons you have gained from the past relationship.  Maybe you truly aren’t destined to be together and the relationship you had with your ex is just an experience destined to happen to teach both of you some of the important lessons in life. 

Enjoy the feeling of being single and improve yourself.  Sooner or later, when the right time comes, your soul mate will find you.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Getting Over Your Guy – Steps on How to Move On

The following day after the break up of every relationship is the most dreaded day of any person.  This is the time when reality will sink in that everything that happened the day before is real, not just a bad dream.  Coping with pain is probably the most difficult part of a relationship, especially when you still feel that it shouldn’t have ended yet.  But life has to go on.  Below are five steps on how one should start moving on.

First, you need to let out the pain.  You know that you are hurting inside, so why keep it that way? Crying is the most effective way to release one’s emotional burden.  Be smart enough to accept the fact that the relationship is over and try to come up with ways that can help lessen the pain you are feeling.  An example would be to write a very long letter about relationship to your ex.  Account all the good times and bad times that you both experienced.  Write as if you were talking to him through the letter.  Tell him how you feel at the precise moment and you are done, burn it.  As the flames slowly consume the letter, come to terms with yourself that you are now ready to let go of the past, and of the man.   If the two of you are really meant for each other, let destiny do its course, but for now, moving on is top priority.

Second, everything that reminds you of your ex must go.  How do you expect yourself to forget if you are still using the pillow he gave you?  Never!  Collect all the things you received from him and donate it to charity, or throw away the ones that can no longer be reused by another.  By clearing your space with his things, as well as the stuff he gave, it is much easier for you to forget and divert your attention to other things.

Third, they say that men will come and go, but your friends are there to stay.  True.  No matter how many times you passed on a girl’s night out, or skipped a “shopping day” with your best buddies, they will never let you down when you come crying back to them.  You will feel the pain becoming lighter by the day as you and your friends share and exchange views of how to manage such situations.  It is very important to surround yourself with people whom you can depend and trust during this time of emotional crisis to enable you to see the world once again without your ex in it.

Next, you now have plenty of “free time.”  You can now enrol in an art class or try yoga sessions or just simply spend time at the gym.  The things that were put off when you still have your ex can now be given time.  Discover new things that can develop your skills and personality.  Never think that the world around you has already stopped when the relationship ended. There are new things to learn, go for it!

And lastly, be firm when you say that you have decided to move on.  Focus with your goal ahead.  Remember, even if you have all your best defenses at hand, a single slide backwards will put every effort you made gone to waste.  

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How to Get Your Ex Back – When She Dumped You

You got dumped.  It’s alright, that is, if you still have doubts that she is your soul mate.  You are merely staying in the relationship because you already got used to having your girlfriend around.   But what if she is the “one” for you?  What should you do to get her back?  Follow the following steps, before its too late...

Girls are fickle minded and impulsive beings.  They change their minds as fast as they change clothes.  If you are certain that your ex girlfriend truly loves you, this can be your best weapon to getting her back again.  But this time, you call the shots, not her.

Whenever there is a chance of seeing her or being around her in a gathering, exude your best attitude and act as if you overcome the episode of the break up.  Just be casual, however, make sure she notices the changes in you.  When there are instances that you are to converse with each other, subtly mention the good times that you once shared.  Let her realize that ending the relationship was not a clever thing to do and you can still fix whatever crisis you had. 

But in the mean time, while separated with each other, you should also assess yourself on your shortcomings in the relationship.  Maybe you are too busy lately and no longer spend enough time with her, or you sometimes forget special occasions like anniversaries.  If you really want your ex girlfriend back in your arms, be sure to acknowledge your failures as a partner and bring back the man who she fell in love with.  Better yet, improve who you are.

You can also invite her to a friendly day or night out.  Assure her that it will be a non-committal event.  Be sure to have other friends go with you so that you ex will be at ease.  Of course, as you socialize with other people in the group, mention some of the stuff that you are up to at the moment.  Tell everyone the positive things that keep you busy recently, and make sure to have eye contact with your girl once in a while.  By updating her about what is happening with you, she will get the idea that you have handled the break up very well. 

During times that you get to be around her, intrigue her.  Make yourself look more “desirable” in her eyes.  You knew her well to know what she likes.  Gets a new haircut, shave or wear the perfume that she finds you sexy wearing.  Do extra effort to make the normal little things become extra ordinary when she sees you.  It’s like hypnotizing her without being obvious.  If your girl is not stone hearted, she will easily feel the message that you are trying to send her.  Remember, your goal is to make her come back... on her own.

Girls like to have men who are sure of themselves and can very much handle even the most difficult situations.  They love to be pampered and feel that they are important.  And if you really love your ex despite the pain she gave you when she dumped you, fight for her and get her back without making yourself looking desperate.

That is how you get your ex back. And continue to build an awesome relationship.

Friday, February 18, 2011

How To Get Your Ex Back – Using Your Wits

After every break-up,  most of us to try to mend the relationship.  When both parties have had their time to think, there will always be chance that one would wish to reconcile with the other.  But trying to win back an ex is never that easy.  There are men, who do this aggressively, as if time would run out on them.  Reverse psychology may just be the perfect solution to have her running back to you.

Acting desperate is not going to help get her back.  Women like men who have a strong determination in life.  When a man appears to be wretched, he loses self respect and this allows other individuals to treat him the same.  There are women on the other hand,  who takes advantage of men whom they see as weak.  They will play games, and will continue to do so if you fall for it until such time that they are tired and eventually gets rid of you.  So instead of wasting your time, energy or even money by sending her stuff or texting her dozens of messages in a span of 24 hours, think o f things that you can do to show her that you are very much in control of the situation and breaking up with you was a huge mistake. 

Whenever there is a chance of being with her, say, at a party, never get too excited by hurrying to her side.  Mingle with as much people as you can, especially with the ladies,  and the trick here is to make sure that your ex sees you doing this.  Try to flirt with other women who are at the event, and  avoid eye contact with your ex.  Women are jealous individuals,  and they always wanted to be given the best attention.  Let her come to you , and acknowledge her as casual as you can.  This act will surely irritate her, but wait! Do not panic.  That is your goal.  If your ex is getting  irritated by your actions, this only means that she is noticing you and is actually asking herself what has happened during the time you were apart that transformed you.

However, if you are one who does not want to inflict anymore pain in the recent break up.  You may still have the chance to get your ex back by rebuilding your own self again.  Admit it, you have been shattered inside, and by becoming “whole” again, you will prove not only to your ex but to everybody that you are indeed strong.  Become a happy and optimistic person that despite the blows in your life, prove that you can still rise.  When your ex sees the improvement in you, she may initiate a reconciliation. 

But best of all, just be yourself.  Relive the days before you and your ex got together.  Have fun with your friends, date women, try new sports or a new hobby.  Enjoy life.  Trust yourself that even if you don’t get your girl back, you can move on and start all over again.  The most important thing is that you are happy. Have an awesome relationship with the ones you loved dearly today.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Every Relationship Has Its Time Line

Finding and losing love is a natural part and process of life of every human being.  As Alfred Lord Tennyson said, “Tis better to have loved and lost than never  to have loved at all.” We all wanted to experience love, and although the degree of love may vary, still, it is something to look forward to.  But whenever we lose someone, our world always seem to crash, without a chance of recuperating.

As one of the many who has already lost a love, I am sharing my story to help other people recover from the pain of having lost a love of their lives.

I think it is important to know that every relationship has its own time line.  During our teen years, we wishfully think that our “puppy loves” will last forever, but in reality, it doesn’t.  As we grow older, our perspective about love and relationships altogether changes.  We become idealistic and expect more out of it. As we exist, we will encounter different kinds of women who will either be the “one” or just a passing fancy; definitely, the latter will have a shorter time line.

My story begins when my girlfriend decided that she wanted to move in with me in my apartment.  Her lease was about to expire anyway, and financially, it made sense since we would usually spend time in my home. 

I have to admit, I wasn’t ready yet for that kind of commitment.  The current status of our relationship is working out just fine, and for me, it isn’t time yet to move a level deeper.  Of course, I knew that anytime soon, the relationship is about to end.

To make matters worse, I attended a friend’s bachelor party and things got out of hand.  Things that will forever be remembered to have aggravated the situation with my girlfriend.  Naturally, when the word reached her of my wild antics during the said event, she turned her back and dumped me.  I regretted my actions, but I believe that whatever occurred at that party was a product of my defiance to the idea of deeper commitment with my girl.  The direction for which the relationship was heading was too much for me to handle that time.

There are times when I still miss my ex.  We have had happy moments with each other, but I have also realized that she was not the one for me. I loved her, that is the truth, and she will always have a special place inside my heart.  I have spent a period of mourning and over and over analyzed what went wrong.  I was also hurt, but we wanted things differently.  I suppose that men are generally afraid of commitments as compared to women.  I have never intended her to completely leave my life, however, it doesn’t work that way.  I have caused her pain, and I regret that.   I guess what I really want is comfort, of course, in my favour.

In the end, I have come to terms with myself that I have to let her go and let her find the right person who could truly make her happy.  And as for me, I will keep on searching for my soul mate who is still out there waiting to be found.  I promise myself that when I find her, I will never ever let her go again, for I have already found my one true love.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Friday, February 11, 2011

Lessons I Have Learned From Women Who Dumped Me

Does it make lesser of a man who admits of being dumped?  A man’s ego would usually prohibit them from disclosing that there are instances that women overpower them.  But I do believe that a true man is someone who is not afraid to face the truth despite existing in a society that is judgemental.

I have been dumped, a couple of times.  But despite the ache of admitting it, I have learned life’s lessons through these experiences.  Here’s what I have to share:

Lesson #1:           It Takes Two

When a man is heartbroken, it is very difficult to show how he really feels.  The connotation that men are tough is commonly interpreted the wrong way.  Society dictates that a man should never show emotional weakness, and this becomes my ticket for blaming the other person for all the heartaches I am experiencing.  A relationship has two main characters: me and my partner.  Through evaluation I have come to admit that being part of the relationship, I am also responsible for the problems that occurred, and that I have equal powers with my partner to solve these problems when they arrived.

Lesson #2:           Women Need Their Personal Space

Many men tend to become possessive of their partners.  It is a must that a woman gives full details of whatever activity she may have, including the people that she will be with.  Although we are aware that women enjoy the part of being the right hand of a man, there are times that she should be given her personal space.  By allowing her to have her own time, you send the message that you trust her.  But in cases wherein you have experienced having been cheated by a woman, that becomes the problem.  Trust is a vital component of the relationship, and if trust with each other will be lost, you may be invading your partner’s personal freedom without you knowing it.  And of course, feeling that she is being confined, your woman will force herself away from the relationship.

So why do we need to give our women a breathing space?  Because we do not own them!  We all are human beings who need to grow.  Limiting ourselves with only a few people can hinder our personal growth, much less if we focus on a lone person. 

Lesson #3:           You Get Stronger Over Time

The philosopher Frederick Nietzsche once said “that which doesn’t kill me only makes me stronger.”  True.  The pain that we feel after the break up is immeasurable.  You may think that you are being cut over and over again every time the memories come back. Sad to say, but there are men who end their lives because they think that they can never get over the heartache.   It’s like haunting you.  But little did we know, each morning, as we wake up to another day, the hurting subsides gradually.  Time can heal the wounds left by the break up.  The scar that will be forever etched in your heart shall remind you not to make the same mistakes again whenever you find somebody new.  A positive attitude towards life, your family and friends and other people around you are your most valuable possessions that will aid you to get over the pain.  Utilize all the memories you have of the past relationship/s, be it good or bad, to your advantage in becoming a better person.  So the next time you stumble, get up and hold your head high.

Lesson #4:           Learn to Accept the Truth

Acceptance plays a major role in the process of healing.  A relationship will never last if in the first place, it really wasn’t meant to be.  If your destiny is not designed to end with that particular person, try as you may, it will never be.  Even people who have already started planning the future – getting married, having children, having a family business etc., and even married people still part ways.  However, coping up and learning to accept and face the reality that you two are not meant for each other will allow you to move on with dear life.  The break up may be taken positively, in the sense that, it is best that it ended earlier rather than later when both of you have already given too much emotional investment in the relationship.

Lesson #5:           Good Things Happen Unless You Make Them Happen

And finally, the last lesson I want to share with you is that you are in control of your own self.  Sure, what had happened was beyond manageable, but how you reacted on the situation makes you part liable with the outcome.  Remember, “You reap what you sow”

There are a lot of fish in the ocean, go out, meet new women and just enjoy life.  Eventually, the one person that is really meant for you will come your way.  And this time, instinct will dictate on what you should do.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

When Love Still Exists

Scared of totally losing your ex because you feel that a powerful link still binds you together?  Read on the following tips on how to win back your one true love.

Analyze your feelings

After spending time in a relationship, it may seem funny to ask if you really love that person.  Yes, one should ask himself this simple question to know the options.  Being “in love” is very much different from being comfortable with someone.  You truly love that one person when you feel that as if a hole was etched in your heart when he/she left.  Nothing and nobody else can fill this hole because it was caused by losing a true love.  At this point, you are on the right track of finding ways to win you ex back.

Assess how he feels about you

Love works both ways and love will never flourish if your partner no longer loves you.  Forcing yourself with someone will never yield a lasting bond.  If the causes of the separation are things that can be settled by compromising, such as communication, time management, and goal awareness, then, the chance is high that you will get each other back.  However, if the main ingredient to a loving relationship is gone, then, it is best to move on.

100% True Love

When you are sure that what you had for each other is indeed, true love, then this is the stage when you plan what efforts are to be done to win back this very special person.  Think back on the early days of the relationship.  Were you independent, outgoing, optimistic type of a person, or do you have a great sense of humour?  Compare these things to what has become of you lately.  Sometimes we tend to drown with happiness that we only see what is on-hand.  Little did we know, we have changed.  By being “what we used to be” can be a big factor to have him back.  Keep in mind that true love grows and produces positive results; it should never become stagnant or lead you to become unpleasant.

Practice Detachment

Even if you wanted to have your ex back badly, do not show that you are desperate.  Isolate yourself from him.   By doing this, you are opening yourself to other people around you such as your family and friends whom you may have neglected when you are still in the relationship.  Discover new activities that will keep your mind busy from thinking about him or her.  Focus on developing your personal growth and become the independent person that you once were.  On the other hand, this may also have a good effect on the perspective of your ex towards you.  When he finds out that you were able to handle the break up and was able to move on, you become appealing to him once more.  He may see you as a strong individual and is never going to be a burden in the long run.

Win Him Back By Becoming a Friend Again

Once upon a time, the two of you were friends.  Should there be instances that you and your ex will see each other, say a party of a common friend, use this to your advantage.  How about wearing that scarlet dress you wore on your very first date?  Reminding him of as much positive experiences that you both shared can help him decide that he cannot go on living without you.

Non-committal events can also work to have him notice your transformation.  Invite him to join you and a group of your friends to a night out, tell him that everybody is free to bring along a date.  He might be surprised for your courage, become intrigued and interested in you all over again.

Finally, everything about this article points towards a single direction, YOU.  For you to be able to give love, you must first love and respect yourself.  Your ex is either in love with you or not.  Never change who you are just to get what you want.  All you have to do is be yourself and improve whatever it is that you possess, everything else will follow.
Please check out my new blog And also please comment if you have better idea.

Monday, February 7, 2011

How To Win Your Ex Back – Uncovering the Causes of the Break Up

Have you ever felt alone and empty after a date with a new girl/guy?  Or do you ever feel guilty because despite the presence of a new person in your life, you still long for that same person who broke off with you for reasons you never understood?

Below are five tips that you may find useful to rekindle an old relationship and start anew:

First and foremost, a person who has recently broken off with somebody needs time and space to be able to think and weigh things.  Finding out the reasons why the relationship came to an end is a good start if you believe that it is worth giving a second chance.  Formulating positive actions against identified flaws can be beneficial to both parties.  For example, your guy is late for a date.  Instead of nagging as you got used to, why not this time, ask for an explanation and be open-minded to reasons.  Insecurity plays a vital role why most relationships end down the drain.  By acting mature, you are showing that you are able to handle situations as such, instead of acting like a three year-old on the verge of having tantrums. 

Second, the end of a romantic relationship does not mean the end of your world.  Make use of this time to recharge from the emotional burden that you underwent.  Instead of sulking, consider doing other activities to keep you busy.  Try pampering yourself at a spa or enjoy a weekend vacation with your best buddies.  Remember, if you want to get your ex back, you have to be whole and renewed.  Nobody would want a person who acts crazy or would do silly things just to gain attention.  A person who values self-respect is capable to give back respect.  This trait is likely to have been lost during the relationship and made you doubt each other.

Another tip is to remember and list down the things you appreciate and enjoy doing with your partner.  The time he helped you do the dishes at your parents house, the basketball game you watched even if your ex’ team did not win.  These things, though very simple, formed part of your day to day existence as partners.  By focusing on these things, you acknowledge the good side of your ex and start mending the heartaches both of you experienced during the break up.  The important part here is that, you are willing to let go of the sad moments and concentrate on the goodness that each has to offer.

Next, when finally, the two of you are back in each other’s arms, try doing new things like engaging in a sport that both of you are interested in.  Starting fresh and avoiding the pointed causes of your separation indicates that both of you have forgiven each other, and are now willing to compromise to save the relationship.  Understanding the needs of both sides can be an effective tool to keep the relationship in harmony.  Never commit the same mistakes again.  The reason you wanted to have your ex back is because, with him/her, you are happy, and that’s what matter the most.

And lastly, focus on strengthening the communication inside the relationship. Developing an effective mode of communication can lead both of you to create a shared sense of destiny.  We may never know what lies ahead, but a sound relationship can definitely stand the test of time because you have each other. The main thing is to focus on building an Awesome Relationship.