Sunday, March 6, 2011

How to Get Your Guy Back – a Gal’s Guide to Making Up

Every relationship has its up and downs some surpass the challenge, others don’t.  The key words to remember is that, relationships work both ways.  It may be a factor as to who caused the problem, but your reactions to the problem still lies on both of you.

In cases where you are the culprit, have the courage to accept the fact that getting your man’s trust may not be that easy.  And if whatever you did caused a deep cut in your man’s heart, try your best to win him not with your terms but his.

Below are some tips to help you get your ex back:

Acknowledge and make amends

If you cheated, you knew it was a grave mistake, but you did it anyway.  Now, when confronted with the facts, be humble enough to accept responsibility and ask for forgiveness.  The act of cheating shows that you do not respect your guy or you have wanted something that was not given to you, in return, you find someone else to deliver whatever that is you seek.  By doing this, you have shown that your trust with your man is no longer present because you humiliated him by your act.  A woman should seek for forgiveness in the most sincere way she could possibly do.  A man also loses his self respect if he was betrayed by the same person whom he truly loved.

Be prepared to feel the worst

A man betrayed cannot easily find it in his heart to have you back easily even if he truly cared for you.  It is your turn to do the chasing to get him back.  He must first feel that you are really sorry for what you did and that you are taking the chance of reconciliation because you really loved him.  Be patient; endure your part of the pain because your guy is also grieving like you.

Befriend your ex

Rebuilding a lost relationship means that you have to start from the bottom all over again.  Give your ex the time and space to evaluate his feelings for you.  When you parted ways, your connection with each other became strangers, and strangers cannot easily give their trust.  Allow him to assess what has happened and let him decide the fate of the relationship.  If given the chance to be with him, do not come too comfortable.  Being together after a break up doesn’t happen very often, so be careful of the things that you are to say and do whenever given the chance.  You do not have to act desperate though, just be yourself and mean it.  Pretending will never work for you because your guy will be very cautious of your actions.  Doubt will always be a part of how he will assess you.

Learn to give up and move on

A girl will know and feel when her battle is lost.  When you have come to point when you know that nothing positive will happen despite your efforts to get your ex back, it is time to give up and move on with your life.  Maybe after a while, your ex has come to realize that you were not meant to be together, and that he finally decides to close the door of being romantically involved with you.  Let it go.  Look ahead and carry the lessons you have gained from the past relationship.  Maybe you truly aren’t destined to be together and the relationship you had with your ex is just an experience destined to happen to teach both of you some of the important lessons in life. 

Enjoy the feeling of being single and improve yourself.  Sooner or later, when the right time comes, your soul mate will find you.

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