Thursday, March 3, 2011

Getting Over Your Guy – Steps on How to Move On

The following day after the break up of every relationship is the most dreaded day of any person.  This is the time when reality will sink in that everything that happened the day before is real, not just a bad dream.  Coping with pain is probably the most difficult part of a relationship, especially when you still feel that it shouldn’t have ended yet.  But life has to go on.  Below are five steps on how one should start moving on.

First, you need to let out the pain.  You know that you are hurting inside, so why keep it that way? Crying is the most effective way to release one’s emotional burden.  Be smart enough to accept the fact that the relationship is over and try to come up with ways that can help lessen the pain you are feeling.  An example would be to write a very long letter about relationship to your ex.  Account all the good times and bad times that you both experienced.  Write as if you were talking to him through the letter.  Tell him how you feel at the precise moment and you are done, burn it.  As the flames slowly consume the letter, come to terms with yourself that you are now ready to let go of the past, and of the man.   If the two of you are really meant for each other, let destiny do its course, but for now, moving on is top priority.

Second, everything that reminds you of your ex must go.  How do you expect yourself to forget if you are still using the pillow he gave you?  Never!  Collect all the things you received from him and donate it to charity, or throw away the ones that can no longer be reused by another.  By clearing your space with his things, as well as the stuff he gave, it is much easier for you to forget and divert your attention to other things.

Third, they say that men will come and go, but your friends are there to stay.  True.  No matter how many times you passed on a girl’s night out, or skipped a “shopping day” with your best buddies, they will never let you down when you come crying back to them.  You will feel the pain becoming lighter by the day as you and your friends share and exchange views of how to manage such situations.  It is very important to surround yourself with people whom you can depend and trust during this time of emotional crisis to enable you to see the world once again without your ex in it.

Next, you now have plenty of “free time.”  You can now enrol in an art class or try yoga sessions or just simply spend time at the gym.  The things that were put off when you still have your ex can now be given time.  Discover new things that can develop your skills and personality.  Never think that the world around you has already stopped when the relationship ended. There are new things to learn, go for it!

And lastly, be firm when you say that you have decided to move on.  Focus with your goal ahead.  Remember, even if you have all your best defenses at hand, a single slide backwards will put every effort you made gone to waste.  

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